Thursday, July 10, 2008

Shopping for Baby Stuff at Kiddy Palace

I went shopping at Tampines Kiddy Palace. With some idea of what items to buy, I decided to get the Baby stuff before the sale ends at Kiddy Palace. When I saw the whole range of baby products, I got a little overwhelmed. There are so many things to buy, I wondered which ones are good.

I saw this lady, Tiffiny, also shopping for baby stuff. She seemed like a nice lady so I approached her & asked her advice. Turns out that she's a mother of 3. Wow, a very experienced mom. I felt so lucky to have met her. She recommended me brands which she feels are good for the baby. Thank you Tiffiny! You have been a great help!

Some stuff Tiffany recommends:

Recommended items from Pigeon & Nuk. Nuk bottles with the latex teat are best as it feels like the breast. Pigeon bottles to be used for giving water.

Mustela Baby bath & Cream to prevent diaper rash. Great for leaving baby smelling fresh & feeling smooth. Tiffany says her baby never had diaper rash as she uses this barrier cream!

Cute towels & blanket from Aussino Babies. The face cloth on the right is great for bathing babies cos it's so soft!

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