Thursday, July 10, 2008

Winnie the Pooh Songs

I found some really cute Winnie the pooh songs to sing to Baby.

Winnie The Pooh Theme Song

New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh

Pooh Bear's Exercise Program

More photos of me at 20 Weeks

Loving pregnant shots! ;)

A really close up pic of my tummy. It looks really BIG!

Shopping for Baby Stuff at Kiddy Palace

I went shopping at Tampines Kiddy Palace. With some idea of what items to buy, I decided to get the Baby stuff before the sale ends at Kiddy Palace. When I saw the whole range of baby products, I got a little overwhelmed. There are so many things to buy, I wondered which ones are good.

I saw this lady, Tiffiny, also shopping for baby stuff. She seemed like a nice lady so I approached her & asked her advice. Turns out that she's a mother of 3. Wow, a very experienced mom. I felt so lucky to have met her. She recommended me brands which she feels are good for the baby. Thank you Tiffiny! You have been a great help!

Some stuff Tiffany recommends:

Recommended items from Pigeon & Nuk. Nuk bottles with the latex teat are best as it feels like the breast. Pigeon bottles to be used for giving water.

Mustela Baby bath & Cream to prevent diaper rash. Great for leaving baby smelling fresh & feeling smooth. Tiffany says her baby never had diaper rash as she uses this barrier cream!

Cute towels & blanket from Aussino Babies. The face cloth on the right is great for bathing babies cos it's so soft!

Second Trimester (Week 13 - Week 27)

Second Trimester - 3 May 08 - 22 Aug 08

I'm in my Second Trimester now. Sometimes, I forget which week I am in. It gets pretty confusing... maybe it's the pregnancy forgetfulness...

I stopped my Body combat & Body pump classes. It gets a little uncomfortable when I lie on my back or do twists & turns. So I'll just stick to walk/jog on the treadmill & using the machines to keep my muscles pumping.

The tummy is growing! It's not that big yet but it's interesting how I wake up sometimes to find my tummy bigger than yesterday.

Me at 20 Week!

Ultrasound Photos

Baby at 31 Weeks (The head... can't see much now)
Baby at 28 Weeks (That's the leg)
Baby at 25 Weeks
Baby at 16 Weeks
Baby at 13 Weeks
Baby at 10 weeks
Baby at 8 weeks
Baby at 6 weeks

Down Syndrome Test

We went to do the Down Syndrome Test on 2 May 08 (at 13 weeks). They did an ultrasound to measure the liquid underneath the baby's neck.

Baby was very co-operative and we managed to take the measurements at 1 go. Just after the doc finished taking the measurements, baby turned its back towards us. Hee... good baby, you are really co-operative.

Everything is normal. We even heard Baby's heart beat!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Books for Baby Care

Books I read for Baby Care:

  1. Your Self Confident Baby (We love her principles in teaching Babies)
  2. Positive Disipline for the 1st 3 years
  3. Our Baby: The 1st Year
  4. Baby Milestones
  5. Childcare (Thomson Medical Centre)
  6. Baby's First Skills by Dr. Miriam Stoppard
  7. New Baby Care by Dr. Miriam Stoppard

*Highly Recommended *v*

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Books for pregnancy

Books I read about Pregnancy:
  1. Your pregnancy week by week
  2. Fit Pregnancy
  3. Your pregnancy questions & answers
  4. Blooming beautiful
  5. Pilates workbook for pregnancy
  6. Pilates pregnancy guide
  7. Pregnancy & Fitness
  8. Breastfeeding by Thomson Medical Centre
  9. New Pregnancy and Birth by Dr. Miriam Stoppard
  10. First-Time Parents by Dr. Miriam Stoppard

Borrowed a lot of books from the library to make myself well versed with my pregnancy. I'm almost an expert now... haha. Matt Morris, a personal development expert said that you are only 5 books away from being an expert!

*Highly Recommended =)

First Trimester - Exercise Program

I continued my exercise programs during my pregnancy. I went for body pump & body combat classes, play tennis every sunday and jogged a little every now and then. It all went well. Probably because I've always been exercising all these while. So it was ok to continue exercising now that I'm pregnant.

I used to run long distances. So one day, I decided to do a jog/walk for 6km. I read that pregnant woman may feel easily breathless so I thought a jog/walk will do fine. I started slow but felt I was losing my stamina. I started to walk. And then I jogged again only to find that it was too tiring. My stamina was gone... I had to walk like 4km to get home. Phew, that was tough man. It took like 1 1/2hrs to get home. Normally, it would just take at most 45mins. Well, there goes my running program.

So I stick to my gym & tennis. Surprisingly, I got better at tennis. Haha, the power of 2!

First Trimester (Week 0 - Week 12)

First Trimester - 2 Feb 08 - 2 May 08

Everything went very well. No carvings, no nausea, nothing. Really thank my lucky stars or maybe my mom cos people say if your mom had a smooth pregnancy, you will too.

Oh there's something about meat & fish that I began to dislike. Maybe the baby's a vegetarian. Heh, so I ate mostly vegetables and tofu. Very healthy.

I continued my exercise programs too. I go for my body pump & body combat classes, play tennis & jogged a bit. I used to run marathons. Just had mine last year. It was my first marathon and I clocked 4hrs 28mins! Yeah! All because of my Safra Running Club. I can't wait to go running with them again. Really motivating & nice people.

My weight at 12 weeks - 49.6kg. Same! That's good. I like that... Well, people keep telling me that this is the time to eat all I want. Man, they don't know me. I can't bring myself to get fat. No no. But I didn't have any cravings for food so I didn't bother to increase my food intake. There's really no need to. So I'm still the same me.

A little bulging tummy
at 3 months

I am Pregnant....

16 Mar 08. That's the day we discovered I am pregnant! Well we actually planned for it but we didn't know it would be that fast. Haha... it's came as a pleasant shock.

My gynae is Dr. Adrian Woodsworth from Thomson Medical Centre. A great modern gynae who says I can eat anything! Yeah! Except pineapples, seafood... I think that's it. Great doc right. No chance for those old wives tales where we can't eat this or that.

Follow me as I get more and more pregnant.... Weight at 6 weeks 49.6kg.

That's us on 7 Feb 08.
Little did we know there's
something growing inside me...