Wednesday, July 2, 2008

First Trimester - Exercise Program

I continued my exercise programs during my pregnancy. I went for body pump & body combat classes, play tennis every sunday and jogged a little every now and then. It all went well. Probably because I've always been exercising all these while. So it was ok to continue exercising now that I'm pregnant.

I used to run long distances. So one day, I decided to do a jog/walk for 6km. I read that pregnant woman may feel easily breathless so I thought a jog/walk will do fine. I started slow but felt I was losing my stamina. I started to walk. And then I jogged again only to find that it was too tiring. My stamina was gone... I had to walk like 4km to get home. Phew, that was tough man. It took like 1 1/2hrs to get home. Normally, it would just take at most 45mins. Well, there goes my running program.

So I stick to my gym & tennis. Surprisingly, I got better at tennis. Haha, the power of 2!

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