Saturday, October 4, 2008

Antenatal Class - Lesson 5 Breastfeeding

To be successful at breastfeeding, we must be Persistent, Patient & Positive. I guess I have to just trust that I will be able to breastfeed well. Our body is designed to respond to our babies. When our babies cry, our milk may let down. But we still have to learn how to breastfeed.

Breastfeeding the Right-Brained Way

Think of it as a relationship, not as a skill.

1. Start with a calm, alert baby
It is the best frame of mind for the baby to learn and to feed.

2. Watch for early feeding cues
Cues include rooting (turning her head when sth touches her cheek) or hand-to-mouth. When she starts smacking her lips or putting her hands to her mouth. This is the time to try breastfeeding.

3. Use your body to calm your baby
Place your baby skin to skin vertically between your breasts to calm a crying baby.

4. Follow your baby's lead
When a calm, alert baby is held vertically between your breasts, the baby will show breast seeking behaviors. Help her into a horizontal position to find your breasts.

5. Play while breastfeeding
Let the baby latch on even if she's not hungry. She may just want to try out her new skill.

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